Copyright � 2005 DanTech Studios
. : Pedal Extenders : .
   Overly aggressive air bags are the cause of many injuries and deaths. With most current air bag designs, drivers who are close to the air bag at the time of deployment are at a greater risk of serious injury than those who are seated further away. Short drivers, who sit relatively close to the air bag module in order to reach the foot pedals, are among those at increased risk. Pedal extensions are being recommended by many safety professionals as a way to increase your distance from the air bag module and enhance your safety.
  The pedal on the pedal extension should be at the same trajectory as the original pedal. Spacer (supplied) can be installed at the top or bottom of original pedal, under extension arm, to aim the pedal extension in the same direction as the original pedal.

  Flat brackets go on the back side of the brake and gas pedals. The bolts come through the brackets, past the pedals, and through the extension plate. Lock washers and lock nuts should be secured on to the bolts once the pedal plates are in place. Make sure that the pedal extensions are in proper place (lined up where you are most, at the proper trajectory) then tighten bolts and nuts securely.

Automobility Manufacturing Corporation Does NOT assume any liability for improper installation
. : NOTE : .
A. Vehicle Brake Arm
B. Bolts
C. Lock Washers
D. Brackets
E. Vehicle's Brake Pedal
F. Lock Nuts
G. Pedal Extensions
H. Trajectory Adjustment Pad
A. Vehicle Gas Arm
B. Bolts
C. Lock Washers
D. Brackets
E. Vehicle's Gas Pedal
F. Lock Nuts
G. Pedal Extensions
H. Trajectory Adjustment Pad
Brake X-tender Installation
Accelerator X-tender Installation
Brake and Gas Pedals
can be adjusted and
set at  2", 3", or 4"
Award Winning
Since 1989
No Drilling or Vehicle Modification
Quick Installation in 15 minutes or Less